家长资源 Parent Resources
家长会 PTA
家长值班 Parent Duty
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反馈和建议 Suggestion &
给学校提供反馈和建议 Suggestion & Feedback for School
请使用下面的反馈表与学校分享您关于教学或管理的想法和建议。您的建议和意见,将会帮助学校改善管理和教学,以期更好地服务学生和家长。您可以回答表中所有问题或只回答部分问题。您提供的所有信息和内容都将以匿名形式提交,并将严格限于MIOT管理团队内部使用,以不断地改善学校各方面的运行。如果您希望和学校管理团队直接对话,请使用电子邮件 info@millburntalent.org 或电话:973-346-2718。感谢您对MIOT发展完善的帮助!
Please use the following feedback form to share your thoughts and suggestions with MIOT admin team. Your suggestion and feedback will help us identify areas to improve. You can choose to answer all questions or some questions in this form. Your input is anonymous and will only be used by the MIOT admin team for the purpose of school improvement. If you want to have one-on-one communication with our admin team, please use write us at info@millburntalent.org or call us at 973-346-2718. Thank you for helping us in making MIOT better.
MIOT Parent Survey and Feedback Form