学校规章 School Regulations
学生守则 Student guidelines
教师守则 Teacher guidelines
家长须知 Parent guidelines
安全守则 Safety policies
零食饮料规定 No food policy
安全守则 Safety Policies at MIOT
- School admin staff, PTA leaders and board members are default fire captains and should act as fire captains in the fire drill. They have to wear badges to identify themselves.
- Teachers, not parents, are accountable for the safety of their students during school hours. The school is accountable for the safety of teachers, staff, and students in an emergency. In an emergency, teachers are responsible to take the students to a safe place.
Measures to enforce this policy:
- School shall identify the evacuation path and the designated standing area to each of the Millburn (Huaxia) Chinese School teachers, shall ensure the paths are open all the time (not blocked by parents who try to grab their own children), and educate teachers, students and parents to follow the safety procedures during emergency evacuations.
- Every teacher shall take class attendance records at the beginning of the class, and shall mark the students who leave early.
- If emergency happens, it is teachers’ responsibility (not parents) to
- Lead the students to evacuate QUICKLY and QUIETLY via the DESIGNATED route to the DESIGNATED area outside of the building.
- Ensure every student is counted for.
- Ready to turn in the class attendance records to school officials.
- Bring students back to the classrooms after the situation is cleared.
- Parents are generally not allowed to enter hallway, except those who escorting younger children to the classroom, but those parents must leave hallway immediately after the bell ring.Parents must leave the building immediately in an emergency.The following parents may stay in the classrooms:
- Classroom mothers/fathers who are authorized by the teacher, but they need to identify themselves to the school staff.
- Parents with school permission
Measures to enforce this policy:
- Parents and seniors are allowed to stay in the cafeteria, but not go beyond the double door between the cafeteria and the hallway except going to the restrooms. Please be advised NOT to use the restrooms during the class-breaks.
- Guards (or parents-on-duty) will be deployed to the designated areas to ensure nobody, either adults or students, staying or chatting in hallways.
- School staff will operate a registration table at the double door between the cafeteria and the hallway to handle registration and answer questions. School principals will be there frequently to resolve operational issues.
- All incoming traffic should be directed to the door at the cafeteria.
- Adult students of Taiji, Dancing, Chorus, Senior Citizens and so forth need to identify themselves to the school staff/parents-on-duty, and go the assigned classroom/gym/area.
- Parents who need to bring their children out of the classroom early must inform the teacher in advance and identify themselves before entering hallway.
- Parents who have the right to use the big gym are encouraged to use the backdoor of the gym. No incoming traffic is allowed from the gym doors to the hallway.