Course Introduction 课程介绍

Millburn Institute of Talent offers the following Chinese courses:
  1. Chinese as Second Language (CSL) courses for students from non-Chinese speaking families;
  2. Shuangshuang Level 1-9 courses based on Shuangshuang Textbooks;
  3. Pre-K class for preschoolers;
  4. Chinese AP class for high school students.
  5. Chinese culture classes as supplement to the regular language classes.
In additoin to Chinese courses, MIOT offers large selection of drawing/painting, calligraphy, chess, dancing, badminton, basketball, Python programming, Java programing, and Lego robotics courses.

The school year for Millburn Institute of Talent runs from September through June. The School opens every Sunday from 9:00AM to 12:30PM, except on holidays, which largely follow those of the Millburn school district. For 2022-23 school year, we introduced some weekday afternoon and early evening classes, including math, music, and programing. For more details, see "Class Schedule" under Registration tab.

  1. 以《双双中文》为主要教材的1-9级双双中文课;
  2. 为非华裔家庭的学生提供的CSL课程;
  3. 为学龄前儿童提供的学前班;
  4. 为高中学生开设的AP中文课;
  5. 为各年龄段学生开设的中华文化课,作为课本中文课的补充。
中文课以外,学校还将为孩子们提供丰富多彩的绘画、书法、舞蹈、羽毛球、篮球、编程、象棋、数学、乐高机器人等方面的文化课, 以及瑜伽、太极、老年英语等各种成人班。

密尔本华夏中文学校每学年从9月份开始至6月份结束,学校上课时间为每周日上午9:00到下午12:30。 学校的节假日基本追随密尔本学区校历。自2022-2023学年,我们新添加了周中晚上的数学与编程课程,具体课表请参看注册一栏下的课程时间表。