学校规章 School Regulations
学生守则 Student Guidelines
教师守则 Teacher guidelines
家长须知 Parent guidelines
安全守则 Safety policies
零食饮料规定 No food policy
学生守则 Student guidelines
On-time attendance is required for all students. A written note or verbal notification by the parent / guardian is required for any absence, early dismissal, or late arrival.
Show respect for the teacher and the school's code of conduct. Students shall sit in the assigned classroom when class is going on. Teacher's permission is required for leaving the classroom during the class. The class will be dismissed when the teacher announces it to the class. The teachers will handle any student misconduct regarding routine problems. However, some cases will be brought to the School Administration Office, resulting in a parent-teacher or parent-school conference to resolve the issue. In a serious case, suspension or school dismissal may be needed and applied.
Promptly complete all homework and participate in tests and other exams arranged by the school and teacher. Any work missed while the student is absent from school must be made up.
Food and drinks are not permitted in any rooms or hallways other than the school cafeteria.
It is prohibited to use, remove, and/or damage any school property, such as computers, teaching materials, books, etc. Do not enter an unoccupied classroom without the school's permission. Full restitution by the parent/guardian is required for all damage done to school property by their child.
Maintain the school's cleanness. Show respect to the people and property. Any vandalism to the school or its property is strictly prohibited.
Do not pull fire alarm or call 911 or open emergency exit door if there is not an emergency.The parents will pay the fine whenever 911 or fire truck service is requested and there is not an emergency.
Students areresponsiblefortheir personal items.The School is not responsible for any loss and damage of such personal items.
Constructive suggestions or criticism to the teacher and school are welcome.
All students are expected to dress appropriately at all times.
宣传活动会用到学生名字,照片和录像等。 如果您不同意让您孩子的姓名、照片、
Our school will post messages and articles on internal and/or external
sources (including emails, WeChat, school website, local newspapers etc.) covering school
activities and student achievements. Photos and videos will be taken and students’
names will be included when needed. If you do not want your child's name,
photograph and/or videos to be included in a message and/or publication, please send
a written request to principal@millburntalent.org.