家长资源 Parent Resources
家长会 PTA
家长值班 Parent Duty
活动 Activities
反馈和建议 Suggestion &
The link for registering parent duty has been posted on your family account webpage. Please log in to your family account to choose a duty date.
If for any reason you need to change the date or slot of your duty, please cancel the original registration no later than 12:00 noon
on the Saturday before the duty day, or you will lose the opportunity to register for a new slot. Families who do not attend on the
duty day will also lose the opportunity to register again.
所有注册家庭每学年都有一次家长值班的义务。值班以家庭为单位,不计注册孩子的人数。 每次值班需要一位家长出席。
只注册文化课的学生也包括在内。 学校在注册收费时已收$50押金。在家长按照学校要求完成值班义务后,
押金或者退还账号 $55 可供下一学年使用,或者退还 $50 现金于五月份去前台领取。
Every registered family has the obligation to take a parent duty once per school year. Duty is assigned per family, regardless of the number of registered children. One parent is required to attend each duty session. Students registered only for cultural classes are also included. The school has collected a $50 deposit during registration. After the parent fulfills the duty as required by the school, the deposit will either be refunded as $55 credit for use in the next school year or refunded as $50 cash, which can be picked up at the front desk in May.
MIOT 家长值班细则
值班家长请先到二楼报到。 When you come for parent duty, please first go to the second floor to sign in.
各值班位置职责 Responsibility of each position
Position tittle |
Time | Location |
Responsibilities |
Position 1: Traffic control/指挥交通 |
8:50 - 9:10, 10:30 - 11:00, 12:25 - 12:40 | Outside main entrance 高中主门口外 |
在三个交通繁忙的时间段负责指挥交通, 疏导车辆,制止违章停车,危险行车,保证学生安全。
Direct traffic during three busy periods, prevent illegal parking and dangerous driving,
and ensure student safety.
Prevent children from leaving the school without adult supervision. |
Position 2: 1st floor/一楼大厅 |
8:50 - 12:40 | 1st floor main hall 主门口内一楼大厅 |
给体育馆上、下课打铃 (9:00, 9:45, 9:50, 10:35, 10:55, 11:40, 11:45, 12:30)
Ring the bell for the gym class start and end times
(9:00, 9:45, 9:50, 10:35, 10:55, 11:40, 11:45, 12:30).
帮忙指示方向, 去餐厅,二楼教室, 或一楼体育馆。Help direct people to the cafeteria,
second-floor classrooms, or the first-floor gym.
Prevent children from leaving the school without adult supervision. |
Position 3: 2nd floor/二楼楼道 |
8:50 - 12:40 | 2nd floor hallway 二楼楼道 |
给二楼两个楼道的中文教室打上课下课铃 (9:00, 9:45, 9:50, 10:35, 10:55, 11:40, 11:45, 12:30)
Ring the bell for the start and end of classes on the second floor
(9:00, 9:45, 9:50, 10:35, 10:55, 11:40, 11:45, 12:30).
Help maintain quiet in the hallways during class and ensure students have orderly breaks between classes.
提供其它学生和老师所需帮助。Provide any additional assistance needed by students and teachers. |
Position 4: RocktoberFest help |
Three shifts: between 12:00noon - 4:30pm. | Taylor Park |
9/14/2024 下午(date varies by year),在Taylor Park镇里举办的Rocktober Fest活动中,在中文学校展台值班,回答问题,
分发宣传品,给小孩发礼品。值班时段为: 时段1: 12:00 - 1:30, 时段2: 1:30 - 3:00, 时段3: 3:00 - 4:30。
On 9/14/2024, at the Millburn RocktoberFest event held in the Taylor Park, staff the Chinese school booth,
answer questions, distribute promotional materials, and hand out gifts to children.
Three shifts are available: shift 1: 12:00 - 1:30pm, shift 2: 1:30 - 3:00pm, shift 3: 3:00 - 4:30pm.
Position 5: Halloween help/万圣节发糖 |
9:00 - 12:30 | Outside gym 体育馆门口 |
万圣节, 给文体课学生发糖。Halloween candy distribution |
Position 6: 文体课考勤(须能简单中英文对话) |
9:00 - 12:30 | Inside building 高中大楼内 |
到各文体课班级考勤。 |
Position 7: Speech contests planning/朗诵演讲比赛筹划 |
Flexible 时间灵活 | Flexible 地点机动 |
统计学生比赛得分,颁布获奖名单,组织总校比赛培训和模拟比赛,收集家长反馈等。绝大部分工作可以在家中进行。 |
Position 8: 协助校级朗诵演讲比赛 |
8:50 - 12:30 | 二楼楼道和教室 |
摄影: 对比赛过程进行录像。
计时: 计录参赛选手比赛用时
领队: 按比赛顺序代领学生进入比赛教室(需能熟练用中文对话), 可以选择9:00 - 10:45 或10:45 -12:30时段 。
Position 9.1: Writing contest setup/写字作文比赛 - 贴展板 |
9:00 - 12:30 | 2nd floor / 二楼楼道 |
Collect the works from the classrooms, number them, and paste them onto the display board. |
Position 9.2: 写字作文比赛 - 计分 |
9:00 - 12:30 | 2nd floor / 二楼楼道 |
安置展板,收集评分表,统计分数。Set up the display boards, collect the score sheets, and tally the scores. |
Position 10: College admission panel help/升学讲座协助 |
9:00 - 12:30 | Cafeteria |
Position 11.1: Last day - traffic control/毕业典礼 - 指挥交通 |
8:50 - 9:40 | Outside main entrance 高中主门口外 |
指挥交通, 疏导车辆,制止违章停车,危险行车,保证学生安全。
Direct traffic during three busy periods, prevent illegal parking and dangerous driving,
and ensure student safety. |
Position 11.2: Last day - 2nd floor/毕业典礼 - 二楼协助 |
8:50 - 9:40 | 2nd floor / 二楼楼道 |
Ring the bell for the Chinese classrooms on the second-floor hallways (9:00, 9:20, 9:40).
帮助分发材料和奖品 Assist with distributing materials and prizes.
Provide any additional help needed by students and teachers. |
Position 11.3: Last day - general help/毕业典礼 - 其它协助 |
8:50 - 12:30 | MHS building 高中 |
Graduation ceremony general help 毕业典礼具体协助事项待定。 |
Position 12: LNY Festival help/密镇庙会中文学校展台 |
Four shifts between 11:50am - 5:10pm. |
Millburn Avenue |
3/2/2025 下午,在密镇庙会的中文学校展台帮忙,介绍学校课程,回答问题,发放小礼品。
值班时段为: 时段1: 11:50am - 1:20pm; 时段2: 1:10 - 2:40pm; 时段3: 2:30 - 4:00pm; 时段4: 3:50 - 5:10pm。
On the afternoon of March 2, 2025, assist at the Chinese school's booth at the Lunar Chinese New Year Festival,
introducing the school's courses, answering questions, and distributing small gifts. The duty time
slots are as follows: Slot 1: 11:50am - 1:20pm; Slot 2: 1:10 - 2:40pm; Slot 3: 2:30 - 4:00pm;
Slot 4: 3:50 - 5:10pm.
Please direct any other questions to (其它问题,请电邮):info@millburntalent.org