教师简介 Teacher Bio
中文课教师 Chinese Teachers
艺术课教师 Art Teachers
体育课教师 Sport Teachers
兴趣课教师 Enrichment Teachers
成人课教师 Adult Class
成人课教师 Adult Course Teachers
老年英语初级班老师 周文嘉 是Pingry初中七年级学生。她的父母出生在中国北京。她从小就用中文和家人交流。她四岁时开始上周末中文学校。在蜜尔本华夏中文学校创建之后就
英语,为同龄的朋友们提供同样的机会。在 2021-2022 学年,她开始在本校教授老年英语。她帮助创建了班级课程,并因其图文并茂的教学而受到学生的喜爱。
Jasmine Zhou is an incoming eighth-grader at Pingry. Her parents were both born in Beijing, China, and came to the U. S. for higher education. So, Jasmine grew up speaking and learning Chinese with her family. She started attending weekend Chinese school when she was just four years old. She then moved to MIOT right after it was established. She is very grateful that her grandparents can speak English with her, so she would like to provide that same opportunity for other kids her age by teaching seniors English. In the 2021-2022 academic year, she began teaching senior English in MIOT. During her first year, she helped create the class curriculum and is adored by her students for her image-based teaching.
老年英语进阶班 戈在林 是Millburn高中九年级新生。他从四岁开始系统学习中文,2021年以优异成绩毕业于密尔本华夏中文学校,并曾三次作为密尔本华夏中文学校辩论队队员参加华夏中文学校系统的中文辩论比赛。得益于从小养成的良好阅读习惯以及参加各类英文写作比赛的经验,戈在林拥有很高的英文阅读和写作水平,他是密尔本初中的校报记者。戈在林喜爱学习中国历史。他最喜欢的中国作家是刘慈欣。
Adult Chinese Instructor: Samuel Ge is a rising 9th grader from Short Hills that graduated from Millburn Huaxia Chinese School in 2021 with honors. He has been studying Chinese for 10 years and has represented MIOT at Huaxia Cup debate competitions three times. Samuel has exemplary English writing and comprehension skills, participated in various writing competitions, and is a student journalist for the school newspaper. In addition, Samuel is interested in Chinese history. His favorite Chinese author is Liu Cixin.
成人中文课老师 姜立 是华夏中文学校Millburn分校2021届毕业生。姜立中英文流利,已通过HSK 4级汉语标准化考试,在华夏中文学校总校辩论赛中两次荣获最佳辩手,在本校演讲比赛中两次荣获一等奖。姜立有丰富的语言教学经验,包括教授成人中文,以及教授多位小学生英文和西班牙文课程。
Chinese as Secondary Language for Adults instructor Li Jiang is a graduate of Millburn Institute of Talent (MIOT, Class of 2021). Li processes native speaker level of mastery of both Chinese and English. He has passed the HSK 4 Standardized Chinese Test, won the Chinese speech contest at MIOT twice, and earned the title of best debater twice at Huaxia Cup Chinese Debate Competition. In addition, Li has extensive teaching experience, from teaching the CSL class for adults and tutoring English and Spanish at the elementary level.
Zumba课老师 - 秋露 (Lulu), 是前中国国家体操运动员,现为LA FITNESS 和JCC 健身房的资深Zumba健身教练,拥有Zumba教学执照, 每周10 次为60多位成人和小孩网上和户外授课Zumba, 曾多次参与并组织Zumba慈善募捐活动,目前就职于纽交所上市公司、担任审计部门高级总监。 热心社区,同时也为西域华人协会会长。创始人之一并长期担任理事。
Zumba Instructor, Lulu, is a former China national gymnast; licensed and experienced Zumba Instructor offers 10 Zumba classes every week for adults and school-aged children. Lulu is also the current Zumba instructor at LA Fitness & JCC Gym and participated in and organized multiple Zumba fundraising events. In the meantime, she serves as senior director, audit services in a publicly traded global company, and the Westfield Chinese American association president.
陈氏太极拳和女子防身术班Simon Lu老师 12岁开始习武,从此与传统武术结下不解之缘。先后学习过少林、太极、 形意、八卦、螳螂、咏春等南北武术门派,常年不辍,并获得多位名家指点。 除了致力于传统武术的普及推广,突出“修心养性”和“强身健体”两大功能外,还广泛 研究现代搏击和防身格斗技术,例如散打、泰拳、截拳道、综合格斗、自卫擒拿、以色列格斗术、巴西柔术等,融入防身课程的教学,强化学生的自卫能力。 教学耐心细致,讲解浅显易懂,是传统武术初学者的启蒙良师。
Chen Style Tai Chi and Women’s Self Defense Instructor Simon Lu started his martial arts training at the age of 12. Over the years, he studied various martial arts systems, including Shaolin, Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Ba Gua, Mantis, Wing Chun, etc., under the tutelage of several renowned masters. He is passionate about promoting and preserving traditional martial arts, with a specific focus on spiritual cultivation and physical well-being. For those interested in self-defense, his extensive knowledge of other martial arts and combat sports allows him to enhance traditional systems with contemporary techniques. His classes are characterized by easy-to-follow instructions, iterative correction of movements, and great attention to technical details, which can help beginners lay a strong foundation in traditional martial arts.