体育课教师 Sport Teachers

国际象棋老师Chess Instructor Andrew Chan, CFA, is an expert-rated member of the United States Chess Federation (USCF). He is a current USCF top 100 NJ rated player at 2150 and top 25 NJ blitz rating of 2223.

Originally from New York City, he played on the top boards of the 1986, 1987, and 1988 NYC and NYS High School Championship Stuyvesant team, and the 1991 and 1992 US Amateur Team East Top College Cornell University team. A candidate master at age 16, he attended the American School of Chess and has been mentored by Grandmaster Edmar Mednis (noted chess teacher and author) and Grandmaster William Lombardy (coach of World Champion Bobby Fischer).

He is a volunteer and board member of the West Orange Chess Club, where he also serves as the Director of Player Development & Youth Program since 2013. He has taught at chess enrichment programs in Chatham, Livingston, Maplewood, Millburn, Randolph, West Orange, and Whippany for over 200 students.

国标舞课老师李滨 是美国皇家体育舞蹈学院院长、国际标准舞国际级裁判、英国皇家舞蹈协会会员、美国职业舞蹈教师协会会员及职业选手、中国某艺术学院客座教授。李滨老师教学经验非常丰富,在多家华夏中文学校授课,并在纽约新泽西多个舞蹈教室授课,学生众多,深受欢迎。

篮球课老师孙浩 一手创建了蜜尔本中文学校的篮球课,在过去的四年间使篮球成为本社区小朋友、特别是亚裔孩子们热衷的运动项目。孙教练成立并执教几支全亚裔的初中及高中篮球队,进行常年的训练和比赛。孙教练希望通过自己以及旗下其他教练的专业及专注,能让更多的亚裔少年参与到篮球和足球这样的群体运动项目中,实现身体及心理上的成长和提升,收获个人及团队的进步。本学年课程将由Sun Sports & Education的创始人孙浩教练协同Westfield高中校队主力Kevin一起教授。
The basketball program at MIOT was created by coach Hao Sun, founder of Sun Sports & Education. For the school year of 2021-22, Westfield High School Basketball Team player Kevin, a rising junior, will join coach Sun as co-coach of the class. Kevin has vast experience in team and camp coaching along with private training. His non-profit organization, Asian American Youth Sports Foundation (AAYSF) is aimed at promoting sports culture among Asian American communities and gaining better mutual understanding and social engagement with all other races through sports activities.

Yoga课老师 Anne Cox 拥有美国专业瑜伽教练执照,有超过十年教学经验的资深瑜伽教练。同时拥有 Cornell University Certificate of Wellness Counseling . 健康咨询教练。Anne的瑜伽课,语言表达简洁,动作流畅,重点明了,好学易懂。她会根据课堂学生的不同程度状态,调整动作,以使学生得到最好的锻炼方法。Anne 很愿意和大家分享她的瑜伽习练和健康生活方式经验。
Our Yoga Teacher, Anne Cox, is a US professional certified yoga instructor. In 2006, Anne attended a Bikram Yoga teacher training course in LA and obtained her yoga coaching license. Anne began her teaching yoga career then. Afterward, Anne received BeEvolution Yoga and Power Flow Vinyasa Yoga teaching licenses and Cornell University Certificate of Wellness Counseling during her teaching career. Currently, Anne teaches Bikram yoga (Hot) and Power Vinyasa Yoga in Yoga Studio in northern NJ.

羽毛球课老师 由国际羽毛球俱乐部 IBC 的教练执教, 该俱乐部的学生曾多次选入美国青少年队参加世界青少年锦标赛及泛美青少年锦标赛。
Our badminton instructor is from the International Badminton Center (IBC), which was founded to promote the sport of badminton. As a member of USA Badminton, IBC is the first facility in New Jersey to offer the state-of-the-art dedicated Olympic regulated facility. One of the main focuses of IBC is to provide a safe and healthy environment for children to play a sport they love while encouraging the development of a positive attitude and lifestyle.

舞蹈课老师:王青, 专长舞蹈表演和编舞,多年致力于舞蹈教学和传扬中华文化, 在华夏中文学校多所分校、新泽西公立小学和幼儿园教授汉语和中国舞蹈,多次带领学生参加“华夏之星”和新泽西各族裔社区大型文化交流演出,表演均获得众多观众一致好评。
Dancing Instructor: Ms. Qing Wang, specializing in dance performance and choreography, has devoted herself to teaching dance and sharing Chinese culture. She has taught dance lessons in multiple branches of Huaxia Chinese School, public elementary schools, and kindergartens in New Jersey. In the past few years, she has coached students to participate in the "Hua Xia Chinese Star" dancing competition multiple times, which has received cheerful applause from numerous audiences.

陈氏太极拳和女子防身术班Simon Lu老师 12岁开始习武,从此与传统武术结下不解之缘。先后学习过少林、太极、 形意、八卦、螳螂、咏春等南北武术门派,常 年不辍,并获得多位名家指点。 除了致力于传统武术的普及推广,突出“修心养性”和“强身健体”两大功能外,还广泛 研究现代搏击和防身格斗技术,例如散打、泰拳、>截拳道、综合格斗、自卫擒拿、以色列格斗术、巴西柔术等,融入防身课程的教学,强化学生的自卫能力。 教学耐心细致,讲解浅显易懂,是传统武术初学者的启蒙良师 。

Chen Style Tai Chi and Women’s Self Defense Instructor Simon Lu started his martial arts training at the age of 12. Over the years, he studied various martial arts systems, including Shaolin, Tai Chi, Xing Yi, Ba Gua, Mantis, Wing Chun, etc., under the tutelage of several renowned masters. He is passionate about promoting and preserving traditional martial arts, with a specific focus on spiritual cultivation and physical well-being. For those interested in self-defense, his extensive knowledge of other martial arts and combat sports allows him to enhance traditional systems with contemporary techniques. His classes are characterized by easy-to-follow instructions, iterative correction of movements, and great attention to technical details, which can help beginners lay a strong foundation in traditional martial arts.

网球课教练 Tennis Coach - USTA Eastern New Jersey Region Junior Council Members will run this program, led by two primary coaches.

Sean Wang is a dynamic 16-year-old and upcoming junior at Montclair Kimberley Academy (MKA). His tennis journey ignited at the age of 7, leading him to a deep passion for the sport. Sean actively contributes to the USTA Eastern New Jersey Region Junior Council and excels in the Junior circuit. A prominent player on the MKA Varsity tennis team, he also hones his skills at Mountainside Racquet Club, benefiting from their rigorous high-performance training program. Sean's enthusiasm extends to his upcoming initiative: launching a tennis program this autumn to share his love for the game with the Millburn community.

Hudson Bonetti, commencing his tennis journey at the tender age of 3, is a junior at Delbarton School, where he has played varsity tennis for the past two years. Hudson plays competitively in a high-performance tennis program throughout the year at Mountainside Racquet Club. He has been a USTA Eastern New Jersey Region Junior Council member for the past two years and a Program Director for the ACEing Autism program at Delbarton.