课程介绍 Course Introduction
中文课 Chinese Courses
学前班 Preschool
双双中文 Shuangshuang
CSL (Chinese 2nd Language)
文化课 Chinese Culture
AP中文 AP Chinese Prep
其他课程 Extra Curriculum Courses
艺术课 Art
体育课 Sports
兴趣课 Enrichment
成人课 Courses for grown-ups
成人课 Adult Courses
Course Introduction 课程介绍
Millburn Institute of Talent offers the following Chinese courses:
- Chinese as Second Language (CSL) courses for students from non-Chinese speaking families;
- Shuangshuang Level 1-9 courses
based on Shuangshuang Textbooks;
- Pre-K class for preschoolers;
- Chinese AP class for high school students.
- Chinese culture classes as supplement to the regular language classes.
In additoin to Chinese courses, MIOT offers large selection of drawing/painting, calligraphy, chess, dancing, badminton, basketball, Python programming, Java programing, and Lego robotics courses.
The school year for Millburn Institute of Talent runs from September through June. The School opens every Sunday from 9:00AM to 12:30PM,
except on holidays, which largely follow those of the Millburn school district.
For 2022-23 school year, we introduced some weekday afternoon and early evening classes, including math, music, and programing. For more details, see "Class Schedule" under Registration tab.
- 以《双双中文》为主要教材的1-9级双双中文课;
- 为非华裔家庭的学生提供的CSL课程;
- 为学龄前儿童提供的学前班;
- 为高中学生开设的AP中文课;
- 为各年龄段学生开设的中华文化课,作为课本中文课的补充。