双双中文 Shuangshuang Chinese Courses

双双一级 (ShuangShuang Level 1) $690

Shuangshuang Chinese Course is a Chinese language course designed mainly for Chinese heritage students who has the basic verbal communication skills. ShuangShuang Chinese textbook Level 1 is for children 5 years and older who understand basic verbal mandarin but has yet to learn reading and writing in Chinese. The book features lively contents with many illustrations. It is easy and enjoyable to learn. Target of volume 1 is to learn 166 Chinese characters, to master some basic Chinese language used on daily basis, and to recognize, read and write simple Chinese characters. Students will learn basic Chinese Pinyin at the same time.

双双二级 (ShuangShuang Level 2) $690

For children 6 years and older. Teaches ShuangShuang chinese book, Level 2. The focus of this level is to help students progress from individual words to simple sentences. each chapter of the textbook features small and short text, with simple dialogue, poetry, and drama. The textbook also introduces the concept of quantifier. It teaches 178 new Chinese characters and 185 new words.

双双三级 (ShuangShuang Level 3) $690

This course is for children 7 years and older who have completed Level 2 of ShuangShuang, or have completed Level 1 of the Standard Chinese or Ma Liping Chinese and would like to switch to ShuangShuang. This course uses the ShuangShuang Level 3 textbook, which is divided into 2 parts. The first 11 lessons teach Pinyin. It utilizes poetry, essays, and pictures to assist learning of Pinyin. Lessons 12 to 22 focus on interesting stories which are about 400 words in length and contains simple sentences. At the same time, it begins to systematically introduce radicals of Chinese characters as well as some polyphonic words and antonyms. Each lesson is accompanied by a small essay or poetry or riddles so that students can experience the fun of learning Chinese in a relaxing environment. The textbook teaches 174 new chinese characters and 176 new words.

双双四级 (ShuangShuang Level 4) $690
课程介绍:新双双第四册继续介绍汉字的偏旁部首和多音字,增加了练习以巩固偏旁部首的学习,为记忆更多的汉字打基础。开始介绍用一些基本汉字组合成新字,以及汉语中的量词。课文篇幅在500 字左右,内容轻松活泼。全书生字240个,生词254个。学习241个生字,练习简单写作。

This course is for children 8 years and older who have completed Level 3 of ShuangShuang, or have completed Level 2 of the Standard Chinese or Ma Liping Chinese and would like to switch to ShuangShuang. This course uses the ShuangShuang Level 4 textbook. The textbook continues to introduce polyphonic characters and radical of chinese characters. It adds exercises to reinforce learning and lays the foundation for more character memorization. It also begins to introduce Chinese quantifiers and new characters generated by combining some basic Chinese characters. It focuses on stories which are about 500 words in length and easy to learn. The book teaches 240 new chinese characters and 254 new words. Students will practice simple Chinese writing.

双双五级 (ShuangShuang Level 5) $690
课程介绍: 新双双第五册课文文体较多,有古诗、现代诗、故事、日记等呢个形式。课文内容也较以前增加了难度,篇幅在600自左右。阅读课文出现相声和绕口令等新形式。句子结构也较前几册复杂,还侧重介绍了一些常用的连词和反义词。全书生字272个,生词299个。

This course is for children 9 years and older who have completed Level 4 of ShuangShuang, or have completed Level 5 of the Standard Chinese or Ma Liping Chinese and would like to switch to ShuangShuang. This course uses the ShuangShuang Level 5 textbook. Text styles in this textbook include poetry, modern poetry, stories, and diaries. The content is more difficult than before. Each chapter is about 600 in length. Reading material starts to include Chinese crosstalk and tongue twisters. Sentence structure is also more complicated in comparison to books at lower levels. The textbook teaches 272 new characters and 299 new words

双双六级 (ShuangShuang Level 6) $720

Suitable for students who have finished "Shuangshuang Chinese" level 5 or "Standard Chinese" level 4 or "Ma Liping Chinese" level 4, or have commanded more than 800 Chinese words. It teaches chinese idiom stories and geographic knowledge.

双双七级 (ShuangShuang Level 7) $720

Suitable for students who has two more years of regular Chinese course to take, or for those who have just finished Ma Liping Chinese level 5 course. It covers 4 different special topics including Chinese idiom stories, Chinese geographic knowledge, Chinese ancient stories, Chinese myths and legends.

双双八级 (ShuangShuang Level 8) $720

Suitable for students who are in their last year of regular Chinese course study before taking AP Chinese course and taking the AP Exam. Text book covers 4 different special topics including Chinese ancient stories, Chinese myths and legends, Chinese ancient science and technology, and Chinese ancient philosophy.

双双九级 (ShuangShuang Level 9) $720

Suitable for students who are in their last year of regular Chinese course study before taking AP Chinese course and taking the AP Exam. Text book covers 4 different special topics including Chinese ancient stories, Chinese myths and legends, Chinese ancient science and technology, and Chinese ancient philosophy.
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