课程介绍 Course Introduction
中文课 Chinese Courses
学前班 Preschool
双双中文 Shuangshuang
CSL (Chinese 2nd Language)
文化课 Chinese Culture
AP中文 AP Chinese Prep
其他课程 Extra Curriculum Courses
艺术课 Art
体育课 Sports
兴趣课 Enrichment
成人课 Courses for grown-ups
成人课 Adult Courses
学前班 Preschool
学前班(Preschool) $690 学前班(Preschool) 适合4岁,能听懂中文基本口语,与老师和同学能进行简单的语言交流的孩子。少数语言能力比较强的3岁也可以参加。教程针对海外中文的教学特点 对儿童进行学前启蒙知识教育。教学通过语言、音乐、游戏、舞蹈等来培养孩子的听说认读能力和良好的学习习惯,为他们进一步学习中文打下良好的基础。我们引进健康、科学方面的内容, 给孩子提供一个接触全面知识的课堂环境。
The course is for children of 4 years old (or occasional 3 years old if language skill is developed early) who can understand and carry out simple verbal communication. Participating in activities on involving poetry, phonetic reading, painting, dancing and games etc., students will develop their communication skills, the correct pronunciation of the Chinese language, and habit of classroom learning.