课程介绍 Course Introduction
中文课 Chinese Courses
学前班 Preschool
双双中文 Shuangshuang
CSL (Chinese 2nd Language)
文化课 Chinese Culture
AP中文 AP Chinese Prep
其他课程 Extra Curriculum Courses
艺术课 Art
体育课 Sports
兴趣课 Enrichment
成人课 Courses for grown-ups
成人课 Adult Courses
AP Chinese Exam Preparation
AP中文考试预备班 (Guide to AP Chinese Exam Class) $720 适合基本完成了8-9年中文学习,准备参加或有意愿要参加中文AP考試的高中生。AP中国语言文化考试预备班—是为准备参加或有意愿要参加AP考試的学生所开设的课程,课程将在学生原有的中文基础上进一步加强学生的汉语听说读写能力,使学生在精通和熟练汉语以及与汉语言相关的文化知识上进一步提高。帮助学生针对考試进行具体辅导和模拟训练,为学生在今后参加AP 考试作准备。 Guide to AP Chinese Exam Class aims at consistent development of knowledge and proficiency of Chinese language and culture. The class is designed to provide qualified students with varied opportunities to further improve their proficiency in listening, speaking, reading and writing skills in Chinese.